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Re: Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why!

Re: Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why!2010-04-10T16:36:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why! Re: Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why!


Post count: 53

Wow, interesting I never thought about my thyroid…it has always sat on the average to slightly below. I had a great sleep more than 4 hours and did wake up at 3 am and my husband did say I was sleep walking. I went back to bed and actually slept in. I’m a little jittery but I’m having something to eat and hopefully that will go away. I will be calling my family doctor again to have some blood work done. I’m waiting for my adhd doctor to be back and also see what he has to say. thanks so much…so far 10:35 am and I’m okay and I want to be optimistic that the rest of the day is going to be good.
