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Re: Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why!

Re: Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why!2010-04-17T17:23:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why! Re: Bad side effect post surgery – need to understand why!


Post count: 140

Oh good, I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend, Elizabeth. Your thyroid does control your metabolism, and monitoring changes in TSH level over time is the best method doctors have currently for picking up a problem with it. Although sudden weight change, depression, mental fogginess and memory issues can also happen for other reasons and tend to be disregarded by doctors, your having experienced those symptoms along with a swollen tongue and muscle spasms in your jaw and shoulders really send up a red flag for thyroid dysfunction. The Concerta could then cause jitteriness because you aren’t metabolizing it properly or because it’s the only fuel your weakened body is effectively running on.

Your system has been through quite a shake-up. But your body’s clearly fighting back and is working to re-regulate itself. Sleep is so crucial, so I’m glad that’s working better for you!