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Re: Being a teacher

Re: Being a teacher2010-08-19T11:43:27+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Being a teacher Re: Being a teacher


Post count: 14413

@paula ..I totally understand the frustration with the ‘ADD’ reference by the ‘flatliners’ you’re surrounded with making comments.

(If they say they are sooo ‘ADD’ you can just laugh it off..it’s just words and they aren’t that lucky to be so smart like us!)

I get them back with humour. (I’m a smart-mouth… blurting out stuff gets me into some uncomfortable situations but at least it’s kind of funny at times)

I’ve had people actually ask me if I can read!

I’m a hairstylist and have had folks say that it seems like I can concentrate to cut hair. Then I tell them but I can only concentrate and do a good job if they provide me with good stories to listen to while I’m busy! And MAN! Does it ever WORK!

: )