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Re: Being a teacher

Re: Being a teacher2010-12-03T01:42:01+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Being a teacher Re: Being a teacher


Post count: 14413

High school English teacher here…have the same issues SOOOOO disorganized, but creative and quirky…haven’t found a med that calms my mind down…have problem with noise but live visual stimulation. My classroom is very colorful and I think welcoming to students. I teach remedial level students as well as upper level students. I do better with the remedial class as it is 12 students and many also have ADHD…I get them, and they like me. My upper level classes are big and I have a very difficult time with the high energy and noise.

Question: Have you teachers told administration? Colleagues? Your students?

I wish I could start a support group at school for teachers and students with ADHD! How cool would that be! We could watch videos from this site! I wish the world viewed this differently…thoughts?