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Re: Best alternatives to Concerta? And another question too.

Re: Best alternatives to Concerta? And another question too.2012-08-28T11:01:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Best alternatives to Concerta? And another question too. Re: Best alternatives to Concerta? And another question too.


Post count: 802


I got some good advice at a conference on autism. Temple Grandin said that there were excellent results when people REDUCED their medication when they felt it wasn’t working. The temptation is to go up and up but sometimes the opposite can help and that’s what happened with her (though naturally it was a different drug.)

I felt that my concerta wasn’t working and I upped the dose. I didn’t like the side effects. When I dropped back down, I found I was MUCH more productive, calmer, focused and happier.

I thought it wasn’t working because I wasn’t getting that clarity and head space that came when I first took it, but what was there instead was an ability to clear some of the unwanted crap out of my head and enough control over what I was doing to actually get on with stuff.

Just me but more productively busy.

Less like I don’t have ADHD and more like I’m learning how to live with it.

Something to think about maybe?