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Re: Beware companies offering to help with claims!

Re: Beware companies offering to help with claims!2011-01-05T16:21:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Beware companies offering to help with claims! Re: Beware companies offering to help with claims!


Post count: 14413

I had looked at this sort of thing. I have only just filed my paperwork to be approved for the credit with the Gov’t. Although i don’t agree with the high percentage, they are up front with how much they will take. I will be filing my own or having my local (H&R Block type) tax refund business do it for me. I may not stand to get allot back but I’ll stand to loose allot less in fees.

This is something that if there were information that uses plain, non Gov’t English available it would be easier. Maybe a checklist or something.