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Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?

Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?2010-09-28T01:41:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Blanking – the forgotten symptom? Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?


Post count: 14413

So I can lose focus easily enough and become distracted and forget where I put my keys. But I have actually blanked out. I was driving and making a left turn. It was raining, I was driving through a neighborhood I didn’t know, and I was late for a friend’s wedding so there was plenty of chaos and stress. I don’t know how it happened, but apparently I pulled out into the oncoming traffic and hit a car. Fortunately it was only a fender bender and no one was hurt, but it shook me up pretty badly. This was before my diagnosis. Now I know I need to be more there there on the road and I’ve been ok while driving. Um, parking, on the other hand, is still problematic…