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Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?

Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?2011-01-11T21:30:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Blanking – the forgotten symptom? Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?


Post count: 14413

to start with it sounded like you were describing petit mal seizures. but then i realised you weren’t. phew.

anyway yeah- i always assumed it was really quite normal to be working on autopilot sometimes and have no recorded memory of a very small space of time. i know loads of people who have experienced that sort of thing, and none of them have ADHD.

i mean- stuff like a 6 hour alcohol-induced blackout = not good at all.

but walking down the street and realising you can’t actively recall the past few seconds cos you spaced out a bit = not a huge deal.