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Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?

Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?2010-09-11T13:16:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Blanking – the forgotten symptom? Re: Blanking – the forgotten symptom?


Post count: 14413

I blank out all the time.

Because I know this, I try to keep very important things like keys, etc in the same place all the time and make a big deal out of telling myself where they are so I remember.

I also leave out visual reminders on what I need to remember.

…something weird and out-of-place to trigger my memory, like putting the empty milk carton in my purse so I know to pick up a few things at the store BEFORE I go out to that exciting event that i am hyper-focused on!

I just assume I will not rememeber anything and have been compensating for it for years with great success.