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Re: Caffeine! Wow. Trying to self medicate.

Re: Caffeine! Wow. Trying to self medicate.2011-10-06T19:32:28+00:00

Post count: 14413

Before I started my meds….I used to drink coffee in the morning, to get me going. and would compesate with red bull just before my work service (restaurant rush) and also 15 mins before I played a hockey game. This would give me a kick start, and the adrenaline would compesate when the caffeine rush stopped. It worked great for me.

However, if i just took it to be more productive…without that “situational rush”, when it would die off I would get tired, cranky, sometimes have some serious headaches, and not to mention that caffein and coffee is a diuretic wich means you have to make sure to drink lots of water.

The first situation made the caffeine helpfull, but the second one was horrible and definitly not a good life decision.

hope this helps