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Re: Can something be salvaged from the wreck?

Re: Can something be salvaged from the wreck?2012-09-22T21:15:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Can something be salvaged from the wreck? Re: Can something be salvaged from the wreck?


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Goodness, more replies! I thought that I had overstyed my welcome! Well, Saywhat, you’re right! These last few weeks have seen me more determind to understand myself better, and last week was the most productive week that I’ve ever had in my life. I did the housework every day. I went to a doctor about my back injury that I’d been procrastinating about since 1989. I went for my CT scan, and BACK to the doctor, on the right day at the right time and got the results! Just knowing that I’d finally done something that I’ve been intending to do for over 20 years made me feel like I’d conquered Everest in my own way….my wife couldn’t understand why I was unusually happy on Friday night and when I told her she looked at me and said ‘so what?’ We did end up fighting a bit, but I told her that she wasn’t stealing my victory, and that I’m not aiming for mediocrity anymore, and she’d better get used to me feeling triumphant for a change. I’m sick and tired of being and feeling like a loser all of the time!