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Re: Can something be salvaged from the wreck?

Re: Can something be salvaged from the wreck?2012-09-23T00:05:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Can something be salvaged from the wreck? Re: Can something be salvaged from the wreck?


Post count: 14413

Geoduck – doing laundry before you run out of underwear is a very practical goal! And it will prevent your nine year old son from telling the secretary at his school that he is late because he didn’t have any underwear to wear until his mom finished the laundry. This situation is purely hypothetical, of course, and has NEVER happened to me….. ever…… <coughcough> 😉

allan – Congrats on the productivity!! It’s like a deep breath of fresh air to get something important finished that’s been procrastinated for so long! Congrats on keeping your victory too! It can be hard (in my opinion) to stay focused on the little victories, especially when there is still so much stuff left to do and ‘the normies’ just don’t appreciate how hard we are working. Normal people just don’t understand feeling a sense of accomplishment because I remembered to put my car in park before trying to get out :P I say celebrate all you can, because there is always going to be a line of situations/people that will make you feel like you’re chasing your tail in circles.