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Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?

Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?2010-12-09T03:45:10+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults can the symptoms get better or worse w/age? Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?


Post count: 913

I’m ok with me for the most part – but I know I can do more, accomplish more, and – I have to have and keep a job! So it’s partly what and who we are, but we still have to survive in a “normal world”, well, I think WE are normal, the rest of the world is not.

It’s the rest of the world that’s all screwed up. We’re fine. They need to get over it…

Then I wake up and reality hits- I have to work to survive, to pay the bills and eat. I have to get my work done, and “get along”.

Plus, even thought I’m mostly happy – I know I can be more and do so much more and accomplish so much more.

I don’t really like painting houses, or doing body work – after a while, it’s boring and I want to move on. I hyper-focus for only so long – then it’s on to something else that’s faster or more interesting.

I earned a lot of college money painting cars – a former dealer made me a deal – he’d kept his license so he’d go buy cars, bring them to me, I’d fix whatever needed fixing, repaint them, and he’d sell them. We’d split the profit 50-50.

I could do it then, can’t so much now……….. not to mention the other stuff I have to do, and the lack of space. Brand new shop and it’s already FULL!