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Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?

Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?2010-12-09T08:12:37+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults can the symptoms get better or worse w/age? Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?


Post count: 14413

I’m reading as much as I can and realize that sometimes men suffer quite differently than women because of differing hormones too and not just the ADD/ADHD symptoms. I feel like some symptoms have waned but others have popped up or have gotten more intense with me. I too am more impatient than I use to be. I get irritated quickly if I’m distracted by something UNPLEASANT(like the dog barking or phone ringing or someone interrupts my train of thought, which is hard sometimes, duh!). But I need music in the background to help me get motivated & accomplish what I can.

My hands need to be busy like NOW(by typing on here, lol). I’m usually doing beadwork, which is my small business(self-employed myself). But I easily get so bored like ECinABw3 stated above. I hate boredom, so then I get depressed because it’s so cold & dreary now. And I know certain things have to get done and life has to go on but there are days I just wanna sleep & not do ANYTHING unless it’s fun & satisfying.

But I push through the mundane & I’m always looking for other things to keep me going.

I hope you get the answers you need, billd.
