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Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?

Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?2010-12-09T12:24:26+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults can the symptoms get better or worse w/age? Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?


Post count: 913

YES YES ECinABw3 and modelabb70 – yes. You get it.

“I’m a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess”

Guys with ADD also seem to have a bit of an issue because big bad he-men aren’t supposed to have emotions or feel, or get down, or sad or cry and you know……. there’s all that BS. Hey, he-man gotta be with it, organized, on top of their game! Buck up, bud.

Maybe this week it seems worse due to the “awareness” from seeing part of the show and finding this site, but this has been happening now for a couple of months with me – MORE forgetful, MORE wasting time than ever, MORE indecision. Maybe I just don’t remember how bad it was a year ago, and it’s really not changed?

I can’t say that I have PERSONALLY worked with or been around a woman with ADD or AD/HD. MAYBE I have and at the time just thought to myself – now there’s a really cool gal! ;-)