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Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?

Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?2010-12-09T01:56:36+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults can the symptoms get better or worse w/age? Re: can the symptoms get better or worse w/age?


Post count: 14413

Hey bild, I find people who are ADD processors interesting. It is the linear thought conversations that tend to bog me down a little and require me to call on my tolerance and patience in conversation. Funny eh!!!

Conversation with people who can speak in concepts seems to stimulate me more, they can fill in the verbal stuff under a concept and we don’t stumble, and I, don’t have to go into minute detail, they can follow the large wandering circle back to the point. Hey, when it turns to humor we are a riot, it’s fast, it’s smart, and I enjoy that part of our life. Now where was I……..?????

Sometimes “crazy” is the greatest complement. The way we think, if presented in the right light, is delightfully humorous to those incapable of this thought process. We are fun!!!

God I like this site. Wonder if I will like it tomorrow???
