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Re: Can you have ADHD but still excel scholastically?

Re: Can you have ADHD but still excel scholastically?2011-01-25T22:28:16+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Do I Have it? Can you have ADHD but still excel scholastically? Re: Can you have ADHD but still excel scholastically?


Post count: 71

When I graduated elementary school, I was awarded several honours including top academic. Graduated 12 and 13, Ontario scholar and top female math award (98% in Calculus alone). School work was beyond easy for me. I read it, I remembered it. I was told it, I could regurgitate it on a test. I could BS my way through any kind of essay(many of which were sent on to contests-none of which won).

I was also socially pathetic. Got into drugs because everything seemed so pointless, and tedious. On the outside, everything looked fine to my parents, but I couldn’t seem to get the motivation for a life plan. Never went to college or university. Never thought I could make it or cared enough to try. Why? Don’t remember. Just still not living up to potential.

I agree with you, laffman, sometimes the intelligence can mask things. My sense of humour can be at varying times intellectual, sarcastic, slapstick, toilet, dry, pretty much any type out there. I can be exceptionally entertaining, but then I can be exceptionally annoying as well.

I think it was said best in the documentary, not sure by which doc, (paraphrasing here) that when you’ve see one person with adhd, you’ve seen one person with adhd.