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Re: Can't calm down

Re: Can't calm down2011-12-01T00:48:45+00:00

Post count: 845

One day when I was perhaps fifteen years old, I was somewhat upset and worried about something. I don’t remember what. Probably something to do with school or relationships, the usual for that age.

I realized that in a year, it would be totally forgotten and irrelevant, just as the things which may have had me upset in the past had been. I then decided that most things were not worth obsessing and worrying over. “This too, shall pass.”

I am not the general manager of the world, nor do I feel like I need to be. I do the best I can and get on with life. Worry is counter productive and impedes working toward a resolution of the problem. It’s not that I never worry. Sometimes things happen or words are said that I cannot let pass immediately. But for the most part, I just try not to get caught up in it. Perhaps it’s a benefit of my ADD.

It’s unfortunate that my wife is not more like I am in that respect. One time our daughter said something like, “I know that opposites attract but you guys are pushing the limit.”