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Re: Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX?

Re: Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX?2011-11-30T18:26:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Side Effects General Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX? Re: Cardiac Workup: Has Your Primary Care Dr. requested cardiac clearance B4 RX?


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laughing oh Billd my experience with Doctors is so like yours. I had 2 Toronto cardiologists examin me in ’92 for severe blackouts.

No stress test s suggested, and I didn’t know enough to ask … 7 years later a small town Internist saw me in Emerg, said you need

ablation .. sent to London Ontario, stress test, ablation treatment .. end to irregular heart beat … and fine until 2 years ago when a

hospital exam messed up on charts and thought I had a 4-5 cm aneurism in the upper aorta. After 4 weeks in cardio ward, an angiogram cleared up the error. As far as I know, I don’t have an existing heart condition .. except for high blood pressure and I’m on

pills for that. The combo of 300 Wellbutrin and 60 Straterra seemed to be doing a bit after two months, but now in the third month it

doesnt seem to be doing anything. Oddly, I feel more anxious and more stressed and of course more tired.

I am beginning to think that family doctors are useful only for basic, common medical issues …many of the ones I have seen had no

diagnostic skills worth the time i wasted waiting to see them for 5 minutes, while doctor read up on my file .. often not even remembering the recent highlights . At some point I will have to push for new drugs .. or something to slow down the anxiety.

As to the Straterra, at 60m side effects ran from dry mouth and stiffness in shoulders to slight urine retention … drinking more water

helped but various parts were tender .. that lasted for a couple of weeks. Seems to be lightening up, but the drugs seem to have less

of an effect now as well .. so not sure what that means.

One area of my ADHD that is a problem, is that I have severe problems with Transitions .. the startle response .. I really need some

stability .. drugs that may or may not work … not helping .. anyway good luck with your Straterra.