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Re: Comments/reviews? on Dr. Ned Hallowel's Delivered from Distraction, got some?

Re: Comments/reviews? on Dr. Ned Hallowel's Delivered from Distraction, got some?2012-09-01T07:29:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Comments/reviews? on Dr. Ned Hallowel's Delivered from Distraction, got some? Re: Comments/reviews? on Dr. Ned Hallowel's Delivered from Distraction, got some?


Post count: 14413

I have downloaded books written by Doctors Ned Hallowell and Russell Barkley. While Hallowell seems more compassionate, Barkley is a serious student of ADHD and speaks in an unvarnished way, which I appreciate. The short YouTube clips they’ve both posted are cool.