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Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?

Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?2011-01-07T18:05:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL? Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?


Post count: 546

hi ME JANE idont’ write for aliving iam on 108mg 72mg in the am and 36mg after lunch. I start my day at 5am take my top up at 1pm this will carry me untill about 9 to 10 pm . so i don”t know if I should expect more . this is a adveture I did not ask to be on . having said that I can say that I understand how you feel having just been fired on december the first. so what i see is that the sadness gets way worse and it at times seens hopeless, then I slow down my thinking and the I can chose to start to reason through what hapen was , I have abig MOUTH and it and my brain try to defend me without thinking of the reality of the out come. I am learming that if they want to yell at me that I should not try to defend myself at that time. it seems that at that moment if I respond I will say some thing that I should not have said. so I think that my meds are working , it”s time to see if someone I can say something that I will beable to defend myself with out having to get angre and lose my temper and yell back. thats my new goal for the new job whatever it is. so I think the concerta is working for me . I would rather become totally functioning person , but I can tell from readig alot of the other post thats not going to hapen. I left school and that was because my attention was not strong enough to read more then a few pages . I would make mastaks and get so upset that I could not think . so as you see it is a slow go , and reading what you all are writing with not getinng so overwellemed that I could not follow along . the sad thing is that I am forty seven and if I pay close attention I can now join in whitch i was never able to before. the problem is my brain wants to go faster than my fingers can typ. so all in al . the meds are working . hope this helps.