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Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?

Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?2010-12-05T00:29:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL? Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?


Post count: 14413

I was having the same exact problem when I first started taking concerta. I started with 56 mg, and was just like you, barely noticing any difference. My doctor then upped my dosage to 72, and i began to notice some major improvements. I am now able to follow through with the task I am going (for the most part) , and I am able to clearly think through what I am going to say before I say it, reliving the awkwardness of saying something that seems completely inappropriate to the conversation that is going on.

I personally have seen much success with Concerta. Last year was my first year of college, and I almost failed out. I was put on Concerta around the end of October, and now and achieving A’s and B’s in all of my classes. It is also much easier to retain information in class because I can actually pay attention. So I would suggest talking to your doctor, because as with my case, simply upping the dosage can create a major difference