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Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?

Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?2010-12-05T08:43:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL? Re: Concerta has NOT changed my life–should I try another stimulant or am I SOL?


Post count: 14413

I take 108 mg Concerta daily (well, usually :-) and cannot tell if I have taken it or not. My wife can tell. The family joke is – I take the meds and my wife feels better. The only consistent, first hand, effect I am aware of is: I eat less. Occasionally, I am aware that I can context switch (change focus) with less irritation.

The meds do not interfere with my naps – interesting projects do :-) They also don’t help with task avoidance, nor dampen the hyper-focus.

Cure? Not likely! At best, a facilitator for developing cooperative habits. Exercise helps but, for my wife, is no substitute. I am oblivious to the issue.

PS – I have two kids and two grandchildren with diagnosed ADHD. We (my family) strongly suspect that my mother, her father, and his father were ADHD.