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Re: Concerta not working after 5 weeks

Re: Concerta not working after 5 weeks2011-10-16T20:44:46+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerta not working after 5 weeks Re: Concerta not working after 5 weeks


Post count: 285

I read up some more on Concerta and apparently it gives a relatively low dose when you first take it and then increases through the day… Here’s what’s happening with me: In the morning, seems like it’s not working enough. Late morning to about 2pm, it’s working well. 2pm I get this zombie sleepy feeling and start zoning out – difficult to stay on task… Then at about 5:30 pm there’s a pretty bad “rebound” -it’s wearing off, and I’m irritable and talking a mile a minute. So over the course of the entire day, I’m only getting the dose I want for about 4 hours… This seems – better than nothing, but not good enough? When I took short acting methylin, it was also very hard to time it so that I got an entire day’s worth of productivity – it was a roller coaster. I don’t know if I should change dosage, what I eat/drink, different med, or what! Suzybear – were you able to learn anything new this week?