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Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta

Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta2011-01-09T22:58:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerta vs new Generic Concerta Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta


Post count: 14413

My pharmacist switched my Concerta to the generic brand earlier this year. At the time I didn’t think anything of it, other than the fact it was cheaper. It took me a few months of taking the generic version to realize it was not working as effectively as the actual Concerta. I remember being more emotional too and my memory was really bad.

When I went and saw my Dr., I made sure to tell him to write “no substitutes” on the prescription. I am now back to taking Concerta. I noticed a difference right away. It is working way better than the generic version.