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Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta

Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta2011-01-09T23:01:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerta vs new Generic Concerta Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta


Post count: 14413


I know one thing that was told to me by my psychiatrist to watch out for a couple of things, even with the brand name Concerta. She mentioned that should I start to experience bouts of anger (out bursts and sudden) without any provocation and the other thing is depression or extreme bouts of sadness. I would say that you might want to go see the doctor soon or in the very near future. To convey this to the doctor/psychiatrist that prescribed the medication. That way they will either do one of the following; reduce the dosage or eliminate the medication all together and try another medication.

Based on what I know, I would suggest seeing a doctor or psychiatrist very soon to get him evaluated. Don’t go into panic mode but just keep a eye on him.
