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Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta

Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta2011-01-11T04:33:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerta vs new Generic Concerta Re: Concerta vs new Generic Concerta


Post count: 89

DIstracted66 said: “It is my understanding that it becomes a legal issue if the pharmacist or pharmacist’s technician make that call in substituting it one drug for another, especially in light of the fact that the doctor expressly wrote, no substitutes. As well, industry standards ensure that ‘generic brands’ are to be the exact same structure chemically speaking as the brand name products.”


From the information Dr Jain gave in his sessions, I believe you may be wrong on both counts.

In fact, I specifically recall him saying that (at least in Ontario) pharmacists can substitute generic drugs for their brand name equivalents and do not have to tell either the patient or doctor it has been done EVEN IF “no substitutions” is written on the prescription.