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Re: Connection between ADHD and Blood Type

Re: Connection between ADHD and Blood Type2011-07-19T21:03:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Connection between ADHD and Blood Type Re: Connection between ADHD and Blood Type


Post count: 169

Poor impulse control and poor emotional regulation, the hallmarks of ADHD (especially the combined type) would lead people astray more often. I am not saying you or I per se as there are always other mitigating social and behavioural factors. Also, monogamy among humans is not as pervasive as you might think, and it certainly isn’t in the animal kingdom. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monogamy#Evolutionary_history_of_monogamy

The Hadza are ONE hunter/gatherer society. They may or may not be indicative of all. Hard to say how they would compare with other tribes 10,000 years ago or more. How would more dispersed or less tribal societies behave? There is still cheating in the Hadza http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~hbe-lab/acrobatfiles/mate%20prefs%20of%20hadza.pdf.

I disagree with the advantages stated by Hartmann of ADHD for hunting/gathering. Many of his descriptions of ADHD do not reflect moderate to severe impairment. For example, in my view hyperfocusing, which is not a controlled behaviour for most ADHD individuals would get in the way of hunting, e.g. perseverating about a broken nail, a cloud, a little chipmunk while your prey gets away. While most hunters would practice their hunting skills, e.g. throwing their spears again and again, to master the art, the ADHD individual is doing something else as that was repetitive and boring. I want to see evidence that ADHD impaired people are truly better in a crisis. Studies, not anecdotal commentary.