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Re: De-cluttering and organization tips?

Re: De-cluttering and organization tips?2010-12-09T04:56:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments De-cluttering and organization tips? Re: De-cluttering and organization tips?


Post count: 14413

i know where you are coming from, although i tend to hoard as well. i get so overwhelmed byt the mess in this place that i can’t figure out where to start…and then i get distracted and don’t do anything.

i have found that one thing helps a lot. focus (ha ha) on one really small spot and keep telling yourself that ‘it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be done’ that seems to help me. helped me with writing in school too. sometimes, it doesn’t even get completly done, but then i tell myself, “it doesn’t have to be perfect. i can finish it another day.”

i am making slow but steady progress. or at least i think i am. for ME i am. lol!