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Re: De-cluttering and organization tips?

Re: De-cluttering and organization tips?2010-11-23T13:29:31+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments De-cluttering and organization tips? Re: De-cluttering and organization tips?


Post count: 14413

Hi Kat!

I found that if I jst concentrate on one small area at a time, then I don’t get overwhelmed or distracted.

For example, one day I sorted my closet . It took 12 hours but it is done to perfection!

If the job is bigger, say ‘cleaning the kitchen’…then I don’t know where to start! And what does that mean?

Washing the outsides of cupboards? Defrosting the fridge? Cleaning the oven?

Or just vacuuming the floor and doing the dishes?

If it is a small specific thing, then it is less confusing. I try to do smallers tasks more often.

Also..back when I was growing up (groan) there were four of us ADHD kids. Our playing was confined to the outdoors, basement or our rooms. The entire house was NOT for playing.

Maybe designate smaller areas for play..and less places to get messy in the first place?