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Re: Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working.

Re: Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working.2011-12-20T04:19:02+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working. Re: Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working.


Post count: 179

I agree that the effect of the meds varies from person to person, though they act the same. If you take the time to understand what is going on in the various parts of your brain and find out how the different drugs affect the different parts then you can find out what (if any) meds may be good for you.

For example if someone tends to have anxiety, the distractibility of ADHD may minimize the impact of the anxiety. Taking some meds that improve your focus may lead to you focusing more on your problems/worries.