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Re: Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working.

Re: Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working.2011-11-13T15:02:32+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working. Re: Diagnosed at 45 and not sure if meds are working.


Post count: 14413

Hi Mos…lots of folks seem to have work at getting their their med dosage right for them. Not everybody walks away…… right away with the correct meds or the correct dosage for them. I might add that different folks get different reactions from meds too. By that I mean some get tremendous relief and quickly, others find that meds can give them a leg-up, but a more whole-life approach seems to be the approach they need.

There is so much attached to who we are, and what makes us up as people. Diet is a huge consideration for me. Not the get skinny diet, but, more the extremely healthy eating type. There is so much garbage put out by the food industry…..what with all the pesticides, and steroidal material injected into food like feed lot animals and fowl, and sprayed on plant life as well. I am very careful what I eat, I’m a chronic lable reader (it’s a good habit)…..not the big promo print, the tiny FDA stuff on the back of the packages!!! I wouldn’t think ingesting all those strange chemicals can be good for anybody!!!! Exercise for me is critical a well…..I must exercise a minimum of three times a week…..it relives my stress, it oxygenates my brain, it gives me energy, and I sleep well….all those damn things they say it does….it does!!!

If you hang around here long enough you’ll find I’m a great counseling supporter as well. I find not everything is about meds. I’m sure therapy actually gave me the most benefit of anything I’ve done to date, including meds. A great deal of who we are is a conglomeration of our experiences, our history, and it doesn’t take much (in our history) to kind of put our perception or our vision of who we are and our life, off track, which can leave us with a lifetime of turmoil. So, counseling certainly assisted me with those issues.

Anyway that’s a thumbnail from me…..
