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Re: Do I have it?

Re: Do I have it?2010-03-18T20:13:30+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Do I Have it? Do I have it? Re: Do I have it?


Post count: 14413

Great thread, Ava.

BTW, thank you helping me with the problem I was having logging on here. All fixed now, as you can see. :-)

Did you have your testing done?

I found this site through an article in the Toronto Star. I don’t know what made me read it, as I never thought ADD/ADHD would apply to me….I’m not hyper, I’m lazy! I followed the links, and started seeing myself, my behaviours, my problems. When I got here, I watched the videos saying, yes! Yes! That’s me!….so I took the test here, and scored 8/9 and 9/9.

I was so relieved! So that’s what my problem is!!! I’m not stupid, I’m not lazy!

And I was Angry! All this time I’ve been struggling! (I’m 49)

I was able to see my GP two weeks later, took his test, and he put me on Adderall right away.

I have been running a retail business for 20 years, and you can just imagine the state my paperwork was in!! It’s been a week now, and I am almost caught up on my paperwork jobs. (Does anyone know if I can get back some of the late fees and penalties I’ve paid to the governments for late filing, now that I know it was caused by a medical condition?)

Anyway, thanks for this site.

It is so nice to be able to interact with others who understand what I’ve been going through.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, and for the first time, it is not an on-coming train.