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Re: Driving, and dealing with anxiety

Re: Driving, and dealing with anxiety2011-10-03T23:39:08+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Driving, and dealing with anxiety Re: Driving, and dealing with anxiety


Post count: 14413

I’m 56, not sure if that counts as “older”. I also early retired when I was 49, but have such a busy bug that I couldn’t sit still and had to do something. I volunteered as a treasurer for a not-for-profit group for 2.5 years, and I now have my own business, it’s doing ok but my schedule is all over the place.

I get easily distracted and my sleep is greatly affected. Looking back at my life (and over 25 different jobs), I see how I was unable to stick with anything for very long, I lack discipline and focus. Looking forward, I need to get my act together for my business or it will fall apart too. Just showing up, doing my job, going home at night would be a big start, but that’s very challenging for me.