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Re: Effexor XR + Concerta literally feels like hell!

Re: Effexor XR + Concerta literally feels like hell!2012-09-08T18:49:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Effexor XR + Concerta literally feels like hell! Re: Effexor XR + Concerta literally feels like hell!


Post count: 14413

I’ve been on several meds for sleep. (lack of ;)

And the worst experience I’ve ever had is from the withdrawal of Effexor!

I experienced bad side effects while on it, and even worse when having stopped it, so BE WARNED.

I’m sure it can affect different people in different ways, but I just wanted to put this out there for people considering this medication.

Not sure if I have ADHD yet, but sounds like I do, so if anybody has any advice or experiences to share that would be great.