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Re: (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life

Re: (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life2012-09-17T22:50:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life Re: (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life


Post count: 929

Welcome Cranski,

I did read all of what you’ve written. I can understand some of what you’ve been through. I’ve had many of the same struggles. I know you don’t want to go back through all these memories and experiences, but it might help us to better help you if you spend some time breaking up your story into a few pieces: take more time thinking about what you want to say, editing for accuracy, and asking specific questions. I’ve done a lot of writing myself over the years, lot’s of it was just for me, simply to get it off of my chest. The fact that you posted it here suggests to me that you are reaching out for some support, as well as just venting. Venting all by itself is good, because many of the people who read your post will no longer feel alone in the struggles they’re going through. So you have already helped some people just by sharing. You can and will find help, and support here. ADHD is a nasty can of worms, we tend to get into relationships with people who need help, in particular people who need psychological help. The problem is that most of us are not doctors. We are very good listeners though. I’m sure you’ve been able to help many of the people you’ve had in your life.

Learning to let go of the people I can’t help has been the hardest part in most relationships.

It’s very likely you have ADHD, I can’t possibly make a judgement at this point. I know that there are many other struggles that come along with undiagnosed ADHD. I’m glad you’ve found some good and persistent help in legal, mental health, and education. That’s fortunate. It’s because of you’re willingness to be honest and tell as much of your story as you can remember. Be sure to save all of the writing that you have done. Keep it in a safe private place where you can use it to keep track of your progress. You have survived a whole lot of hurt, pain, and neglect. Fortunately along with ADHD, many of us have an incredible ability to persevere, we’re calm in the midst of total calamity. We just don’t give up. Sometimes that can actually hurt us. For example I have stayed in toxic relationships with women a lot like some of the one’s you’ve been with, much longer than I should have. We can’t help everyone that comes along. Especially at the expense of your two young children.

I hope you find more information here that will help you, encourage you, and guide you along on your path to a better more comfortable life. I recommend the video’s, blogs, and in general I hope you are willing to spend a lot of your time here exploring, and reading. There is a lot of wisdom squeezed into this web site. It’s also making some changes to become even more helpful for all of us in the very near future.

Please stick around, and try to trust the doctors, counselors, and teachers in your life. Trust the people here who have been through a lot of the same experiences. You’re not alone in your struggles.

9-17-12 I put a date on most of my posts because it helps me put them into the context of what’s going on in the rest of the world at the same time. I remember things much better when they are in context with all the other variables of my/our history. I learn many of my lessons by looking back at my previous experiences, and how I managed to survive all the obstacles life puts in our way.

I hope you can consider yourself part of us. We’re survivors of a severe difficultly, and we’re overcoming it much better as a team. Welcome to our team.