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I can only laugh when I read comment about how ADD/ADHD if fake and that is just a bunch of hype to get people to buy drugs. A few months ago I would probably agree. But the thing is, most people who say its fake don’t have it. So they really can’t put a legit statement in the first place. ADD/ADHD is very real. I had to find out the hard way. I do agree that we should not give are children drugs because they are still developing and its to hard to tell the difference anyways. I was one of those kids. And my mom took me off Ritalin after just two days because I was a zombie. She just couldn’t see me like that. I lived a very happy childhood. I did ok in high school and had strait A,s my freshman year. But like most I thought high school was dumb. And just showed up to pass the test. I served In the military for 5 years and really never had a problem because I always had someone tell me what to do. If anything I was really good at what I did. But now I’m in collage and want nothing more than to make my father proud (RIP) and my mom proud. Plus to prove something to myself. Amped and ready. I started school. I have no problem understanding the lessons or info. I have trouble sitting still, keeping my mind on one topic, and just finishing things I started. I hate to fail and will never give up. But I knew I couldn’t do it alone. So I got help. After learning everything I could about ADD/ADHD, I had to come to the hard conclusion that I might really have this stupid thing. At first I was like really that BS that I had in grade school. I have no problem that i’m wrong, but have a big problem saying there is something wrong with me. But after watching myself slipping everyday and have the feeling like I had no control or that I’m a complete failure, I had to see someone for help. I have been working with my specialist for a month now. I don’t feel any different than before. I am just able to control my mind better. And now am getting A’s again. There are so many thing that play a role in why ADD/ADHD is taken out of hand. It’s not just bad parents or crappy doctors. But kids making excuses and people not knowing the difference. Plus all the people who think its fake. One of the reasons it took me so long to get help is because I thought it was fake too. But after trying anything and everything other than drugs. Diet, sleep, working out, study groups and even supplements. I can honestly tell you that the disorder is there. I respect the opinion of others, even if they think its fake. Without people like you we would just beleave anything we heard. But please try to understand that its not something you want to be labeled as. Its something you have to live with. And for me it has its good sides. I just have to deal with the one bad side thats all. Thank you everyone