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Re: Faking ADHD – Time Magazine

Re: Faking ADHD – Time Magazine2011-06-10T00:56:09+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other Faking ADHD – Time Magazine Re: Faking ADHD – Time Magazine


Post count: 14413

Not medical. I was and Hydraulic engineer for Rotary and fixed wing aircraft for the 5 years I serving in the Corp. And for school I am still yet to decide. First I wanted to continue with engineering. But now I am starting to look and Psychology. Still deciding. I had a question for you Bornrebel. And you don’t have to answer. Did you ever experience any head trauma growing up? I ask because I have been reading about a link between the two. And I have been 4 rear end crashes. And some Sport injuries. Was wondering if the ADD/ADHD might get worse because of it.