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Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass

Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass2010-03-26T16:11:42+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass


Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
Post count: 473

It’s amazing how we think we are free and rebels and we dread being like everyone else or fitting in and simply becoming another mindless consumer in the vast multinational corporate consumer culture…

But at the same time panic if our lives don’t look like they are supposed to in the movies and TV shows and magazines.

Maybe this is what’s behind a study (done at the University of Michigan in 1998 by P. Wu “Goal Structures of Materialists vs. Non-Materialists) which showed that watching too much TV triples our hunger for more possessions and can reduce your personal contentment by 5% for every hour a day you watch.

Are you old enough to remember the headline: “Parents Go Berserk Trying To Find Tickle-Me-Elmo For Xmas.”

Do you remember what you got for Christmas when you were five years old? Nope.

Do I remember what I bought my kids when they were wife years old? Nope.

But boy, did it seem important to spend all that money.