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Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass

Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass2010-08-10T05:50:07+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass


Post count: 546

hi just read all the post can i ever relate iam 47 going on dead when i let myself panick iam not officaly been diogniste please forgive the spelling i only have my grade 8 but ihave made it this far . ican tell you manny diffierent jobs some iwas reely good at and some not somuch. iloved driving a garbage truck because ever day was different and yet every week was the same. my point is nomatter what you choose to do do it with passion then when it gets boring then it time to move on. i have offen been asked to decribe my work, and i will say you will learn t apricate me and when ileave you will learn to miss me. that may sound strange but i haved that is true about me. i have learned i have adhd whitch igot from my dad he died last year @84 ;he allways said there is no shame in what you do as long as its honest and you did your best you have nothing tobe asamed of. every thing else matters not. you cant take any thing with when you r dead. my point is dont be to hard on your self be happy with the talents you have. share them with the people you meet if you are true to yourself learn to live on what you earn because the wourld will be spining at different speed then you . so i dont we will fit into the so called normal mould any way so be happy with the important life you have two you and all the people that get to know you.