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Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…

Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…2011-01-11T05:17:08+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg… Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…


Post count: 28

Same exact situation happened today (kid stuff) as when I was taking the Concerta.

The situation was EXTREMELY frustrating and infuriating while I was on the Concerta. However, while taking the Generic Ritalin, the same situation seemed to be like no big deal. I was surprised the situation felt easier to deal with while taking the Ritalin than if I had taken nothing.

Girlfriend even commented how well I handled it this time vs last time. She said sounds like you may have found something that works for you.

I also had another good test for the Ritalin today–necessary legal paperwork, AKA, Kryptonite. I plugged through it while normally, I would take many breaks and really not get much done. Girlfriend again commented how well I handled it without needing constant reminders to get it done.

I was off work today. This is my first day taking the Ritalin while not at work. I did not feel like I was on speed, but just had a better attitude in general to get things done, while also feeling more relaxed dealing with the above mentioned kid situation. I also noticed I am drinking less than half as much caffeinated beverages as before. Obviously, a sign I was self medicating and not needing the caffeine stimulants as much.

I am still at the 10mg dose twice a day. I do not feel the need to increase the dosage. This level is working. I will update as the month progresses.

Concerta and Ritalin have the same active ingredient, but I wonder what else was in the Concerta to cause people to have anger side effects. I have read anger issues about Concerta in a few different places, but not read much at all about anger being associated with Ritalin.