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Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…

Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…2011-01-25T03:38:11+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg… Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…


Post count: 28

Still taking my 10mg x 2 METHylphenidate daily. Going to see doc tomorrow for check up. I lost about 5 lbs and one notch in my belt. No real surprise as this stuff makes me run around getting things done at 100 mph. I am now right at my ideal BMI, so I am not concerned. If I drop another 5 or 10 lbs, I will drop the med. I do see the need to take a break from the med on occasion–to give me a chance to rest instead of go Go GO.

I am still not looking at a clock. Co-workers still need to tell me to take a friggin break or go to lunch.

I am still happy to report no issues with anger like I had before with the Concerta.

I have noticed one other side effect of the med. I am not on the computer surfing near as much as I used to be. I am on the computer very little now and I have no more than 2 tabs open when before it was 8-10. Computer time at work is now almost zero. I barely even remember to check my company emails once or twice a week.

Point being, I am not needing any computer stimulation time, where before it would be hours.