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Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…

Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…2011-01-03T19:09:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg… Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…


Post count: 28

Side effects of Concerta was the same as I previously read–irritability–only my irritability was more than I have ever experienced.

The only way to accurately explain it was like someone kept poking me and would not stop. It was like I was constantly being bombarded with frustration no matter what I was doing. Extreme feeling of pissed off but no way to stop it.

Still waiting on Ritalin prescription to be filled. Need pre-authorization for adult ADD meds. The Concerta was a coupon so it did not go through insurance.

I will talk to doc about Dexedrine as a few other medications. I have a feeling it will be trial and error for a while…