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Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…

Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…2011-01-06T18:24:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg… Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…


Post count: 89

Philabuster- please don’t let some uninformed idiot’s comment on a government WEBsite discourage you from a medication that might be right for you. Great to hear you’ve found a med that seems to offer you some improvement.

Dr J stressed in the sessions I attended that Ritalin is among the safest drugs available. I’m sure there are some videos on this site which talk about this and the other meds available, if you want to research it more.

I also remember Dr J saying to “just make sure you sit at your desk in front of your work” before taking Ritalin. He made a humorous comment like, “if you are sitting in front of the TV when you take it, you will watch TV really, REALLY well” :-)