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Re: Free Relaxation Recordings

Re: Free Relaxation Recordings2011-05-29T12:41:31+00:00

Cat Alberts
Post count: 32

I really like the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course CD’s by John Kabat Zinn. I only fall asleep by reading to get my mind out of my own life, but the body scan is really helpfull. I need something with a timer though, because it turns out that I listen to all CD’s on the mp3 after I fall asleep, so all the yoga segments as well! And I have a meditation cd from Tich Nhat Hahn with short 20 – 10 mins meditations on it that I use during the day, when I feel stressed. Ofcourse only when I think of it, but when I do it is very relaxing.

Eh… not for free though. But on Youtube are a lot of talks by both of them to watch.