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Re: Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me!

Re: Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me!2010-11-11T23:35:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Methylphenidate Generic Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me! Re: Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me!


Post count: 173

So I went back to the Pharmacy tonight, and lucked out that the Pharmacist/Owner was on duty. I went in expecting that they wouldn’t take the pills back…After all it’s not like I was returning a box of cereal or something.

But as soon as I explained my concerns, he immediately took the bottle of generic and said he would replace it with Concerta. He said “These pills will have to go in the garbage, but your health is more important.”

He told me that the reason that they substituted the generic is that the College of Pharmacists’ policy is to substitute for generics whenever possible to save the customer money.

While I am on a drug plan, we have to first buy our stuff, and then submit the bills for repayment, so that would not have been a factor in why I was given the generic.

Since the generic was being tossed, I expected to have to pay the full amount for the Concerta, so I was quite pleased that he only charged me the difference between the two. In case anybody is interested, the difference in price between a 2 week supply of Teva 18 mg and Concerta 18 mg is $11.76.

So, in the end, I’m quite satisfied with how it turned out. Just have to remember to have my Doctor write “No substitutions” next time. Hopefully the Concerta will work well enough for me that I’ll remember! ;)

I’m waiting for Saturday to try it out, just in case it makes me drowsy or jittery or nauseous.