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Re: Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me!

Re: Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me!2010-11-12T16:58:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Methylphenidate Generic Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me! Re: Frigging Pharmicist substituted without asking me!


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

I strongly suspect that the College of Pharmacists’ policy on always substituting generics has more to do with the Pharmacies’ getting those kickbacks from the manufacturers of the generics, than with saving the customers money.

Evidently, it’s not enough to just have your doctor HAND-WRITE “no substitutions” on the prescription. You have to point it out to the pharmacist and actually say, “Look! It says, ‘no substitutions’, so please give me the branded drug”.