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DistractedCindy and no_dopamine,
Ok this has nothing to do with meds but…
One way I’ve learned to structure my day with a planner is to get one that has the days of the week broken down into 15 minute increments. I can then pencil in the task or appointment but draw a square around the total time frame needed to complete it. The week ends up kind of looking like a bunch of big square boxes. I use a format where the week is on a two page spread so everything is very visually defined.
If I plan ahead it keeps me from double booking myself because the coming time frame is somehow imprinted on my brain. Somehow just writing down an appointment next to a time doesn’t have the same effect. I’ve been doing this for a couple of months and it;s really helped to keep me on track.
no_dopamine I’ve been wanting to get a white board like you describe for some time but can’t find any spare wall space to hang it! My walls kind of look like my floors but at least it’s art And had to chuckle at the description of you day – ditto the 45 minute time to wake up surfing