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Re: G&M Article – Grrrrrrrrr…

Re: G&M Article – Grrrrrrrrr…2010-10-20T03:01:22+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other G&M Article – Grrrrrrrrr… Re: G&M Article – Grrrrrrrrr…


Post count: 14413

It’s so unfortunate that people can be so against something they know so little about. I especially love when things get blamed on the physician’s agenda, and big pharma conspiracies. If more kids are being diagnosed with ADHD in Canada relative to other countries, perhaps that shows that Canada is more open to this condition, and as long as kids are being diagnosed with the utmost care and with consistent guidelines I see no huge issue. This is similar to the phenomenon of autism rates continually increasing; but they aren’t actually — it’s just being recognized and diagnosed more.