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Re: Go public, or keep it a secret?

Re: Go public, or keep it a secret?2011-01-03T15:47:03+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Go public, or keep it a secret? Re: Go public, or keep it a secret?


Post count: 14413


I had OSTS (“ooh-shiny-thing-syndrome”), too. I’m glad that you’ve generally gotten a positive response to this claim. Those I told it to just rolled their eyes and basically said “no, really?”. They did laugh though when I told them I couldn’t hold still b/c I’d rented my pants out to ants for the rainy season (which is most of the year when you live in the Seattle area). Thankfully getting the diagnosis and meds got the ants a different housing arrangement and my OSTS within almost normal social parameters.

Best of luck and may you be blessed with fewer shinnies (as needed)
